Milling Madness
By late October I'd felled, bucked, and marked all the trees I wanted milled, then had Tim Bittorf (Bluffside Services) take them to Henschel Sawmill (the only female sawyer in Wisconsin!).
Here's the log pile at Henschel's.

A few weeks later it turned into these four large stacks. Grand total: $1,500.

Many trips back and forth in the Land Cruiser, and *a lot* of board handling, the stacks disappeared.

And became this, stacked and stickered and ready to dry.

The effort was immense. Due to an unseasonably warm early winter, the heavy loads created an immense amount of mud. Several Ultra, Super and Mega carwashes couldn't clean the undercarriage. Only a pressure-washer worked. (A proper driveway is on tap for early this year.)

So glad to have this part of the project done. After drying, the 2x4s will be ready for framing. The 1x wall and floor material has to go into the kiln for drying.