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2007 Q2
July 1, 2007
Gone This site is taking a break this week while some golfing and heavy cocktailing gets done. Check back next week for pictures of Northern Wisconsin and some of the creatures who live up here. June 29, 2007An Early dack.com Reader We've been wanting our youngest son to start talking, and he finally has. His favorite things to say are: "I kick your butt." and Fuckin' great. June 28, 2007A Preview Of Things To Come It's all about the stems. Long, lean, toned, wrap-around stems. And beer. Dead
------- So Much for Paul Smith
------- Launch Date The official launch date for Magnificent Bastard is now Monday, July 16. If you're at your computer on Monday, July 16 and there is no Magnificent Bastard, I want you to find me and kick me firmly, squarely in the balls. June 22, 2007Sorry, Lil' Sis Research Finds Firstborns Gain the Higher I.Q. ------- Under Heavy Consideration The only issue here is the 5.25" inseam. Vilebrequin pink logo zip fly pocket swim trunks, via Bluefly. $140. ------- Also Under Consideration With winter right around the corner, this might be the perfect laptop bag. Down-filled for warmth and protection! Puffy DKNY Messenger Bag, via Zappos. $134.06. June 19, 2007Poisonous Trains As More Toys Are Recalled, the Trail Ends in China ------- Iraq, Pissed Off, Demands Recount Iraq, 'Sinking Fast,' Is Ranked No. 2 on List of Unstable StatesJune 18, 2007 World's Best Golfer; Worst Dressed I hope Nike unloaded a dumptruck full of money on Tiger Woods' front lawn to make him wear this yesterday: I'm surprised the PGA/USGA even allows this travesty: a bright red, synthetic, v-pattern mock turtleneck with a Nike logo? Blech. ------- All Hail Wine In A Box! Nice article in the Post yesterday about the benefits of boxed wine. I used to spend $12 for a 1.5L bottle of a decent French chardonnay/chasan combo, but now I spend $14 for a 5 liter bag of a not-quite-as-decent-but-totally-drinkable bag of California chardonnay. There's nothing like having a wine tap in the fridge, and I always rip the bladder out of the box so I can fill up my glass faster with a firm squeeze. The gas that makes Dack go even has its own shelf. Almost time for a new bag. June 15, 2007Ben Affleck Should Be A Piñata I love huffingtonpost.com and think Arianna Huffington is doing some interesting things with her site, and I love her accent and that even at 57 she looks pretty good and sometimes shows off her cleavage on CNN, but what the *fuck* is up with Ben Affleck being a contributor? He's easily the biggest hack in Hollywood -- a town chock full of hacks -- and his "blog" on Huffington Post reminded me of one of the most important pages on the entire internet: Ben Affleck Must Be Bludgeoned Like a Piñata June 13, 2007Apologies for the dead site lately. Been working hard on magnificentbastard.com and a couple of other side projects that are pretty interesting and very fun. Stay tuned. If you dig this site, you'll dig 'em. ------- In The Bag: Vintage Toledo Co. Industrial Drafting Chair, via ebay. (Price is way too much.) If anyone has 3 more in very good condition, please drop me a line. These bitches are hard to find! ------- I Can Fully Understand the Plight of Imelda Marcos. Camper Locos Barcelona, via Urban Outfitters. $119. June 8, 2007Worst Ever. Shrub over and over and over again, making us less safe. [Senator] Bayh quoted a CIA expert on radical Islam as saying that "our presence in Iraq is creating more members of al-Qaeda than we are killing in Iraq." ------- Goin' the Way of Travel Agents Real estate agents. Home Sellers Do Better Without Agents, Study SaysJune 7, 2007 Camper. That's Spanish for "The Shit." I went a little Camper Crazy the other night. Got it all covered: dress, casual, urban evening, luau.
Uma's Yabbos As regular readers know, I'm a huge Uma guy. So I'm watching Dangerous Liasons last night, completely forgetting that Uma (at a the tender age of 18) was in the flick, and then I caught a glimpse of her spectacular cans (while getting undressed by John Malkovich): Stop Interviewing This Clown!
Maybe this is the bloody period when we are doing the heavy fighting to get at the bad actors so we can have a more peaceful future. Uh huh. ------- In The Bag: RRD flowered swim trunks, via YOOX. $45. (I got the last pair!) May 31, 2007Magnificent Bastard Sneak Peek In the next few days the new men's weblog magnificent bastard will be ready for launch, and here's a peek at one of the first articles: "MB dining guide: show some goddamn manners." (Identity of the offender has been withheld.) Surge! I don't think this is the kind of surge Shrub had in mind: According to a tally by iCasualties.org, an independent Web site that tracks U.S. military deaths, Monday's fatalities bring to 117 the number of American service members killed so far this month, making May the third-deadliest month of the war for U.S. troops.May 29, 2007 All Hail Science (And Darwin, Too) Put another nail in the coffin of the idea you need religion or some god to have a moral compass. It's in the damn brain, hard wired. Earlier: Scientist Finds the Beginnings of Morality in Primate Behavior May 25, 2007Jack Sparrow Jr. See Pirates showtimes and reviews. (The reviews arrrrrrghn't that hot.) ------- I'm completely mystified by the "email revolt" article in today's Post. For me, email (or a text message) is the only way to go. Or perhaps call my cell phone if you're desperate (or my wife). The very *last* thing anyone should do if they want to speak with me or leave a message (that will be heard) is call my desk phone. Office phone voice mail is about as quaint as fax machines. May 24, 2007SURGE! News So much for The Surge: Morgue Data Show Increase In Sectarian Killings in Iraq President Bush and other senior administration officials have cited declines in sectarian killings in justifying U.S. troop increases and additional funding for the war. Also since The Surge: An increase in the number of U.S. troops floating in the Euphrates River. May 23, 2007The Democrats. Gutless Turds. Fuck Chinese Food
See also: Death by Veganism. May 21, 2007NYC By the Numbers Soho Grand 2 Naomi Watts 10 Uniqlo 6 Lucky Strike 8 Dos Caminos - Soho 8 C21GZ (Century 21 Ground Zero) 2 1. Iraq Falwell Teleported to Heaven, With Rib Roast
------- Speaking of terrorist attacks and 9/11, I'm headed to NYC for a shopping excursion. Here's my list of stops. If I'm missing anything, let me know. May 14, 2007House For Sale This site's been quiet for while while I've been putting together the web site for the house I need to sell: 4614arden.com. Check it out, then please buy it. ------- My Brush With Greatness
------- Less Risk Seen in Purchasing Clothes Online For the first time since online retailing was born a decade ago, the sales of clothing have overtaken those of computer hardware and software, suggesting that consumers have reached a new level of comfort buying merchandise on the Web. Retailers have made it so easy -- frighteningly easy -- to buy clothes online. It's really the only way to go. The article definitely validates some of the ideas behind the forthcoming men's weblog magnificent bastard. May 8, 2007Long Live Gordon Gekko
------- My wife and I are putting our house up for sale in the next week or so, and I asked the lovely and talented Margaret Andrews to shoot it. Yesterday she obliged and sent a few samples of the session. (Click the images for a big, beautiful one.) May 7, 2007George W. Bush has the lowest presidential approval rating in a generation The last president to be this unpopular was Jimmy Carter who also scored a 28 percent approval in 1979.May 3, 2007 The snow has mostly melted. Time to prepare for summer. In The Bag: Volcom business-casual sandals in woven plaid, via Urban Outfitters. $40. (I can already feel the comfort of woven flip flops. Maintenance, on the other hand...) ------- When one's beloved Milwaukee Brewers are off to their best start in 20 years, strange (and gross) shit is gonna happen. Like this: (via Andy Plesko) ------- At the other end of the beauty spectrum, another in an ongoing series called Babes of Middle East Media: Babe. Al Arabiya. Dubai, United Arab Emirates. May 1, 2007Shrub's Legacy: America's May Day April 30, 2007
Put much better, by six former CIA officers. April 27, 2007Yesterday was a great day. First, my 3 year-old son went pee pee on the potty for the first time. Second, and perhaps even more importantly, I learned that in October FUCKING BIG LEBOWSKI ACTION FIGURES WILL BE AVAILABLE. I'm doubly excited because Walter and The Dude are listed as the "Wave 1 Set," which hopefully means Donny, Jesus Quintana, Smoky, Maude Lebowski, etc. will be available soon afterwards. Greatest movie ever, man. (Hat tip: Eric Paradis and uncrate.) April 25, 2007This Chinese food story is absolutely scaring the shit out of me: In February, border inspectors for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration blocked peas tainted by pesticides, dried white plums containing banned additives, pepper contaminated with salmonella and frozen crawfish that were filthy. Time to either (a.) start going 100% locally-grown organic, or (b.) stop eating. I'm leaning towards b. April 24, 2007
------- Under Consideration if Money Was No Object Hickey cashmere "Mudflap Girl" sweater, via hickeystyle.com. $598. ------- Surge! Besides 10 dead GIs today, "in other violence..." Bombings in different parts of the country Monday killed at least another 44 people and wounded more than 100, police said. Twin car bombings killed at least 19 outside Ramadi, about 60 miles west of Baghdad, and a suicide bomber detonated explosives inside a restaurant near Baghdad's fortified Green Zone, killing seven and injuring 14.April 23, 2007 Countdown to This Mofo Going Down In Flames 42 executives urge Wolfowitz to resignApril 19, 2007 Post-Modern Mass Murder. When's the Next One? Given the crazy amount of publicity this crazy South Korean killer has gotten, how long until the next one, with a *better* manifesto, *better* photographs -- all uploaded to his Facebook and Friendster pages -- and more highly produced videos all posted, last-minute, on YouTube? Making the Wrong Decisions: Package Forced NBC to Make Tough Decisions ------- What is His Deal With His Hair?
married life World Premiere Visit the YouTube page to rate it or leave a comment. April 15, 2007Paul Wolfowitz is At Least the 3rd-Biggest Shitbag on the Planet. (And Not Too Hot With the Ladies, Either.)
Woof! April 12, 2007Fat Lady On Way To Theater McCain campaign to cut back on staff McCain falling behind with GOP voters April 11, 2007Dack Studios Presents Here's a still from my latest stop-motion Playmobil movie, entitled Married Life. Releasing next Monday, April 16. (That's a guy, minding his own business, tossing a football and watching his beloved Green Bay Packers. A small spoiler: That idyllic scene doesn't last long.) ------- It's All About the Schadenfreude, Baby Some in G.O.P. Express Worry Over '08 Hopes and the money quote from former congressman Mickey Edwards: "It's not that I have any particular problem with the people who are running for the Republican nomination. I just don't know how they can run hard enough or fast enough to escape the gravitational pull of the Bush administration." ------- Why Would You Want to Be In Charge of a Clusterfuck? Three Generals Decline War 'Czar' PostingApril 9, 2007 Zach Johnson and God Win Masters
I don't even know what I shot, but I know that I had a lot of people giving me some good words of wisdom over the last week. My coaches clearly, our Tour chaplain, and being Easter Sunday, I felt like there was certainly another power that was walking with me and guiding me.and later in the interview: Today, the only thing different was the fact that it was Easter. I felt like regardless of what happened today, my responsibility was to glorify God and hopefully He thinks I did. ------- In spite of his deal with Target, Isaac Mizrahi's men's stuff at Bergdorf Goodman is kicking ass. In the Bag: Isaac Mizrahi Jeans, via Bergdorf Goodman April 6, 2007From the 'No Shit Sherlock' Department Hussein's Prewar Ties To Al-Qaeda DiscountedApril 4, 2007 The Fucking Grindhouse
I've got a theory about "Grindhouse," and it goes like this: At some point during the brainstorming/beer-bonging process by which Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino developed their multimillion-dollar ersatz-exploitation double feature, the boys finished off the super nachos, sparked up a spliff, and said "Dude, let's just motherfucking bring it." Rolling Stone's Peter Travers digs it, too, and says something that's music to my ears: There is not a minute in this three-hour-plus tribute to all that's unholy in cinema that is good for you.April 2, 2007 Crazy John McCain
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