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2005 Q4
December 30, 2005
Hrm. Is Fallujah still the safest city in Iraq? ------- Juan Cole pretty well sums up the outcome (so far) of Shrub's Iraq Adventure: Washington's interventions in the Middle East have created a failed state in Iraq that has no military power to speak of, has threatened the Oil Gulf with destabilization, and has in various ways contributed to the ascension of political Islam. Shiite fundamentalist parties rule Iraq. The Islamist warlords are back in the Afghan parliament. Hardliners have been strengthened in Iran, and are creating a Tehran-Baghdad alliance. Sunni Arab Iraqis are turning to fundamentalist Islam in large numbers, forsaking secular Arab nationalism. Some are growing close to al-Qaeda-type organizations. The Lebanese Hizbullah has rich and powerful new allies. Lebanon is free of foreign military forces, but is threatened with renewed sectarian conflict. And the Muslim Brotherhood is emerging as a possible successor to the long-lived secular military regime in Egypt. The entire, long post is a great read. This shit is going to blowback on us. December 29, 2005In a couple of weeks I'll be taking an 8.5 hour flight on a DC-10. The last DC-10 rolled off the assembly line in 1988. A couple of days ago I was flipping the TV and something caught my eye on the History Channel: The Crash of Flight 191. I should've kept on flippin', because the aircraft for Flight 191 -- which crashed and burned upon takeoff, May 25, 1979, killing 275 people when one of the goddamn engines fell off -- was a DC-10. Bad combo: 112° vertical bank and a missing left engine. ------- Yes, my thoughts exactly, over a week ago. From Robert Scheer: 'Dr. Germ' and 'Mrs. Anthrax' on the looseDecember 27, 2005 You wanna know the pain of fatherhood? I mean real, excruciating fucking birth-like pain? Try assembling a 200-piece Playmobil Knights Rock Castle and a Jeep Fire Rescue ride-on toy while you're 7 sheets to the wind, deep into a 1.5L bottle of cheap French chardonnay at 1AM on Christmas morning. In My Son's Bag: Playmobil Knights Rock Castle, via playmobil.com. $79.99.
Jeep Fire Rescue ride-on toy, via Costco. $175. Let's hope the wheels stay on! December 22, 2005Extreme Schadenfreude for Thursday, December 22: ![]() Holy Shit! Learned from today's Post feature on him, this guy is only 37 years old! Dude could pass for 57 easy. ------- Under Heavy Consideration: ![]() Obey Wallpaper Tee, via Urban Outfitters. $28. ------- Visualize: Scott McClellan in an Obey Wallpaper Tee. December 20, 2005Thank God! Some sanity in a Pennsylvania court. With a little Extreme Schadenfreude thrown in for good measure: In the meantime, all eight of the school board incumbents who favored teaching intelligent design were defeated in an election in November by candidates who opposed including it in the curriculum. ------- More ES. You know those elections they had in Iraq last week?
In the hopes of sharing some of my experience and learning from others, I put together a short "making of" page taking a behind-the-scenes look at the happy santa shoot. ------- Report: Bush, Pro-War Congressfolk Full of Shit. Sorry, that's just a wild fantasy headline in another wild fantasyland where the mainstream media calls a spade a spade. The real headline: Report: Bush Had More Prewar Intelligence Than Congress. And for Pete's sake, does it have to appear on page 23? December 15, 2005
------- Is it normal for your neighbor's 30-something wife to wear a thong on a routine trip to Target with her kids? Really, I just want to know. Is it All Thong All The Time nowadays? Has the Abercrobie and Fitch generation made its way up to suburban moms? Just wondering. ------- If I Were A Little More Flush With Cash This Would Be So IN THE BAG It Would Make Your Head Spin: Riddell Classic RK Throwback Helmet. Via espnshop.com. $289.99. ------- Dumped! No dreaming about a white Christmas this year. For real: the pre-shoveled Ragus/Klise residence. December 14, 2005. Oh, my back! December 13, 2005After spending many hours building a set, building a couple of flying rigs, taking hundreds of pictures, choosing sound effects, and putting it all together, I ended up with a 50-second stop-motion animation movie called happy santa. Check it out. If you dig it, share with your friends and especially, your family. It's my second stop-motion animation movie (the first one -- disco -- will be re-released soon), and I think next time I get the urge to make one I'm going to have someone punch me in the face, and deliver a hard kick to the groin, to remind me of the pain involved. December 7, 2005Boy, pretty lame updates lately. I've been busy working on a Christmas-related stop-motion animation movie. It's a sort of Playmobil meets Bad Santa. ------- Huh. According to the Times many Europeans don't believe Condi when she says the U.S. doesn't condone torture. ------- I'm still on the hunt for that elusive snorkel parka (Barney's Co-op might have the one, and it's just $250), but in the meantime I'm going to check out this nifty Spiewak jacket from coolestshop.com, though it looks maybe a shade thin to deal with Minneapolis winters. We'll see because the price is right. In the Bag: Spiewak "Bellamy" jacket. Via coolestshop.com. On sale for $69. December 2, 2005
A reality check from Doug Struck: On the same day Bush spoke, nine farmworkers were killed when gunmen opened fire on a bus near Baqubah, snipers fired on the office of a National Assembly member in the capital, and three Iraqi army officers were wounded when a bomb went off near their patrol. In Fallujah, 20,000 people marched in a funeral for a Sunni cleric shot while leaving prayers.November 30, 2005 U.S. Good. Insurgents Bad. U.S. Military Covertly Pays to Run Stories in Iraqi Press ------- I'm Not Ready To Turn This Into A Western Shirt Blog. Yet.
I've long admired this 7 for all mankind western shirt from afar ($143, via Neiman Marcus), but a western shirt without snap buttons -- such as this one -- is like a hamburger without meat. -------
------- In the Bag: Intolerable Cruelty soundrack. $18.98, via amazon.com. Sometimes the Coen brothers' soundtracks are better than their movies. November 29, 2005
------- Today in the mainstream media it's "Holy shit! Shiites are taking revenge on the Sunnis!" Like no one could've predicted it before this stupid fucking war was started.
Keep On Lookin', Bub Simultaneously evoking emotions of pity and rage: "Morale is a roller coaster," said Lt. Rusten Currie, who has spent 10 months in Iraq. "We were all idealistic to begin with, wanting to find Osama bin Laden and [Abu Musab] Zarqawi, and bring them to justice -- whatever that means. Now we just want to go home."November 22, 2005
Anyone want to buy a used copy? Listened to only 5 times. November 20, 2005It's a look that was always out, but the November issue of Cargo hopefully makes it official. The untucked striped shirt: Also out: Waxed brows, Rock tees under a blazer, and Traumatized denim. ------- Just an FYI for anyone planning a Vegas trip, according to some guy at Esquire. I can vouch for Lotus of Siam and the Peppermill as being worthy of a visit. November 18, 2005For more than a year now I've been on a search for the perfect snorkel parka, and I'm still coming up empty. My requirements are so simple: (1.) short (i.e. no longer than hip-length), and (2.) quilted (i.e. "puffy"). Well, it's 21 degrees in Minneapolis as I type this, so I need a snorkel parka now. If these two jackets had babies, that'd be what I'm looking for: So, those dozen or so in readerland, can you lend a hand to a guy dumb enough to live in Minneapolis who's also freezing his balls off? Seen anything like this in your shopping travels? ------- I guess you could say I'm a little bitter about the weather in Minneapolis because I just returned from a 3-day jaunt to South Beach. This was the view from the Ritz-Carlton: We got off the plane last night and shared a baggage carousel with about 60 U.S. Army troops just back from 15 months in Iraq. It seemed a little weird that the guy next to me had just seen his 1-year-old daughter for only the second time, while I waited for my golf clubs to arrive in the oversized luggage area. It made what John Murtha said yesterday seem all the more relevant: I voted against every tax cut. Every tax cut I voted against. My wife says, "You shouldn't say that." I believed that when we voted for these tax cuts you can't have a war and you can't have a tragedy like we had, the hurricanes, and then not have a huge deficit, which is going to increase interest rates and could cause a real problem.November 16, 2005 Thank you Chuck Hagel: To question your government is not unpatriotic -- to not question your government is unpatriotic.November 12, 2005 Gah! "Asterisks Dot White House's Iraq Argument"? "Asterisks Dot White House's Iraq Argument"?! Are they kidding? Why couldn't the Post just call a spade a spade? "Bush and Hadley Full of Shit" Is that too much to ask? This just jarred from my memory banks... The Post's headline writer had a similar lack of, shall we say, forthrightness the day before the war began on another Walter Pincus and Dana Milbank article, this one exposing Bush's case for war against Iraq as horseshit. The headline was a fucking wimp-out: "Bush Clings To Dubious Allegations About Iraq." November 10, 2005
She said that in the few hours since her departure had been made public, she had received several offers "of all kinds" for future employment, which she declined to specify.Just a few of the most likely ones:
What kind of coconut-sized balls does it take to pull this off: Juicy Couture kilt. Via Neiman Marcus. $395. ------- A while back I thought I'd found the WSEAWS (that's the Western Shirt to End All Western Shirts to the uninitiated), but this one's even cooler. Normally I think Polo stuff sucks pretty hard, but not this. At all. In The Bag: Polo Ralph Lauren Western Shirt. Via Neiman Marcus. $125. November 4, 2005While we like a strong daily dose of ES here at dack.com -- it's the home of ES after all -- it's kind of a bummer when Americans realize their president is dishonest and dragged their country to a dumb war on a pack of lies. Bush's Popularity Reaches New LowNovember 3, 2005 ------- Just when you think Extreme Schadenfreude can't get any more schadenfreudey, it does. The only bummer is that it sets up the "Shrub Comeback" narrative we'll be seeing sometime in the next three years. November 2, 2005Today's ES is sweet: Trial Could Pit Libby's Interests Against Bush'sOctober 31, 2005 They could be complete bowzers for all I know, but I am madly in love with both Jane Hamsher and some woman by the name of "ReddHedd" over at firedoglake. They're both smart as whips, have mouths like sailors, and currently provide the best Cheney-gate analysis on the whole triple-dub. ------- ES for Halloween: "By a ratio of 3 to 1, those surveyed said the level of honesty in government has declined during Bush's tenure." Restoring honor and integrity to the White House... ------- If you read a single article on the Cheney-gate, make sure it's this Barton Gellman article from Sunday's WaPo. See also: Indictment doesn't clear up mystery at heart of CIA leak probe ------- Wow. The 2000th US soldier died in Iraq last Tuesday. Less than a week later there are
The ES hits just keep on coming: Senators in G.O.P. Voice New Doubt on Court ChoiceOctober 25, 2005 Honestly, this level of Extreme Schadenfreude just cannot be healthy. ------- George Galloway Rocks! "I am demanding prosecution, I am begging for prosecution," Mr Galloway told Sky News. "I am saying if I have lied under oath in front of the senate, that's a criminal offence. Charge me and I will head for the airport right now and face them down in court as I faced them down in the senate room.October 24, 2005 The blog's been a little slack lately, but not to worry. I've been consuming my balls off, and that cuts into blogging time. ------- For about the past two months I've been in search of the Western Shirt to End All Western Shirts (WSEAWS), and I think I may have found it at Clark's Register: Novara Western Shirt, via Clark's Register. $178. ------- Also at Clark's is a cool hat, also under consideration: Block scully in boiled wool. Denim. Via Clark's Register. $35. ------- I've also been on the hunt for the perfect pair of black boots, and I think I found them at zappos. In The Bag: Bally Edmond black boot, via zappos. Price: I'd really rather not say. October 19, 2005I'm beginning to worry that all this Extreme Schadenfreude might have some kind of bad side effect. Nothing that feels this good goes without a price. I've already got issues with colon tumors, a family history of prostate cancer, an unhealthy appreciation for spirits, and emotional scarring from the Packers' 1-4 start. I just don't need anything else piled on right now. October 18, 2005Extreme Schadenfreude, baby! Bush's job rating continues to dropOctober 12, 2005 This would qualify as the Mother of all Extreme Schadenfreude (MES): The Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg are working on stories that point to Vice President Dick Cheney as the target of special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald's investigation into the leaking of CIA operative Valerie Plame's name.October 11, 2005 In The Bag: NFL Old School Helmet Head, via nflshop.com. $31.99. ------- ES for Tuesday: Poll: Fading Support For Iraq War An even higher percentage -- 59% -- say "US troops should leave Iraq as soon as possible, even if the country is not completely stable." I remember not too long ago when it was like being a radical America-hater for suggesting the same thing. October 7, 2005There is so much Extreme Schadenfreude these days, where does one start? Well: Poll: Bush Ratings Hit New Low Or how about: Rove Ordered to Talk Again in Leak InquiryOctober 6, 2005 Astute long-time reader Thomas Anthony picks up on Gillette's announcement of a new 5-blade razor (called the Fusion), and remembers an old Onion article, mentioned here a while back: Fuck Everything, We're Doing Five Blades ------- Other long-time readers will remember this post noting how Saddam Hussein was already ahead of the "bold frames" fashion curve by wearing these dandies while in American custody:Well, Scott over at the fucking awesome eyewear shop allyn scura had a pair. They are US military issue, and they are In The Bag: "Saddam" frames, via allyn scura. $85. ------- Also In The Bag: Simple Shuf, via simpleshoes.com. $80. The Simple site is even cooler than their shoes. A perfect brand transformation to the Web, as easy and simple and clean as it gets. ------- And last but not least, a good, solid dose of your daily Extreme Schadenfreude: Conservatives Confront Bush AidesOctober 5, 2005 A military tactician I am not, but it doesn't seem like a very wise tactic to fight an guerilla insurgency with howitzers. It might just piss off the locals. October 3, 2005Lady, Halloween isn't for another 4 weeks. Looks like Lynne Cheney with a rubber witch mask. |
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